Sunday, November 6, 2011

NETs meeting 2nd November 2011

Present: Lynne Johnson, Rosina Wainwright, Valerie Kirk, Nancy Tingey, Wendy Dodd, Monique van Nieuwland, Catherine Dabron, Marli Popple, Gabriella Hegyes, Helen Martin.


The role of the group:
1          2 future exhibitions
2          It is a networking group which may not always have as its subject nets.
3          What will happen to our relationship with the two overseas groups who were originally involved?

Rosina is looking for a female model, please contact her if you know someone who may be interested.

1 We currently have three blog sites.  It was decided that Valerie will contact Belinda Jessup to decide on a site and put a message on the two sites we are not using directing people to the site in use.  Belinda will also be asked if she would mind training the people having trouble posting on the site.
2. Valerie then gave a review of the symposium (which turned out to be a non-event) in Finland using the slides she had taken.

3. Review of Casting the Net:

Finances to be sorted out in the next few days– is there enough money to cover the catalogues?
Refreshments for the opening: Rosina said there weren’t enough glasses which meant her husband spent the evening washing them.  Rosina recommended the following three things for any future exhibition.

            1 Someone needs to stay beside the food
            2 Someone needs to be designated to wash up
            3 Someone needs to be designated to assist the VIPs

Everyone agreed Chris Bourke had done an excellent job of opening the exhibition and had obviously done a lot of preparation.  We will send him a thank you card.
Thanks were given to Gabriella, Nancy and Paula for all their work for the exhibition.
Everyone agreed the hanging looked great.
Did anyone see anything in the newspapers on the exhibition?
Nancy will speak to Leah about compensation for the disruption caused by the renovations during the exhibition.
Watson was suggested as another good exhibition space.

4. Janet de Boer has suggested we might have an exhibition at the Geelong Forum next year.  This would be a joint exhibition with Angie Wyman’s group from Cumbria University as Angie will probably be teaching a class at the Geelong Forum.
            The two exhibition spaces at Geelong were discussed and it was thought that the top space was better.  Lynne has some images of the space which might help our decision.
            Valerie will liaise with Janet and Angie.
            We will need to decide on the exhibition name and costs, how to get the items there.  Dates? 23rd to 29th September 2012.
            It was considered that this is an excellent opportunity for our work to be seen more widely as the forum open day also attracts visitors from Geelong and Melbourne.
5. We have been approached by the Belconnen Arts Centre to exhibit from17th August to 2nd September.
            It was suggested that it should be new work so the items from the BAC exhibition could then go the Geelong as the dates are so close together.

            We need to set the dates for meetings next year – the first will be on Saturday 18th February at Belconnen Arts Centre.  Gabriella will contact Jackie at BAC for a preliminary meeting to see whether the cost will be the same as this year’s schedule and sound Jackie out to see whether she would curate the exhibition.
            Valerie suggested we might be able to tour this exhibition in which case we would need to apply for funding.
            Gabriella has applied for a residency at Strathnairn in 2013 and we could have an exhibition there at the same time.

6. Balba has suggested she could take a billum tour of New Guinea.  It would be in September next year at the time of the Goroka Show.  This may clash with our exhibitions.  Nancy will keep in touch with Balba and send out information to the Basket Makers.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Spiders in Pakistan

"The spiders went crazy after the flooding in Pakistan. Quite surreal"
This image and quote from  Aly de Groot,